
Our Fragrance Philosophy

Our Beliefs
Our mission is to strive for the wholehearted satisfaction and enrichment of the lives of people globally with products and brands of excellent value created from the consumer's and customer's perspective.

At Kao, we want to make it easier for everyone to live the Kirei Lifestyle - enjoying beauty and cleanliness not only on the outside but also on the inside. A Kirei Lifestyle is enjoying today with the peace of mind that those joys will be there tomorrow.

Role of Fragrance
We know fragrances play an important role in many of our products. They have the power to revive memories and create pleasurable - even magical, sensory experiences. We want to make sure those experiences are safe, enjoyable, and comfortable for you and your family.

Kao strives to enhance your experiences through our essential research and creation of fragrances. Our fragrance experts are engaged in a wide range of research, from analyzing and subtly reconstructing the fragrance of fresh flowers, or leveraging brain science to understand how emotions or memories are triggered by fragrances, all the way to fragrance formulation that meets your changing values and lifestyles.

We also take care to ensure the fragrances in our products are formulated with your safety in mind. We also believe that you have the right to know exactly what goes into the products you use so they can be enjoyed with peace of mind. This is why improving transparency and making accurate information about our products and ingredients accessible for everyone is a priority. To make sure this happens, we are proud to share three commitments:

  1. Ensure all of our fragrance formulations are fully compliant to the local regulations of the regions where they are marketed, and ensure that the latest safety data is collected.

  2. Only create fragrances using ingredients that are in line with the guidelines set forth by the International Fragrance Association (IFRA).

  3. Begin the process of providing information of fragrance ingredients accounting for 0.01% or more of the product weight.

Based on these priorities, our dedicated in-house fragrance experts work to develop fragrances that will help make your life more beautiful, which is further augmented by collaboration with fragrance manufacturers. Our regional product quality management teams conduct safety assessments of all of our products.

We are aware that you want to know more about what is in the products you use. Therefore, we are continuously improving levels of transparency and product safety across our business, while regularly reviewing and adapting our fragrances as science tells us more about where we should be concerned and act.


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