
Our Product Safety

Safety is a core value for us. We go above and beyond the regulatory and safety standards set before us for each product we sell. Our Safety Scientists are involved from the earliest stages of development and continue monitoring after the product is in your hands. We don’t leave anything out. We look in depth at the individual ingredients, the overall formula and consumer usage experience.

  • We scrutinize all ingredients and impurities that may be in the raw materials used to manufacture the product.

  • When evaluating the final formula, we don’t stop with the individual product. We recognize you use many other products that may include the same ingredients. All of this is taken into account for a product to pass approval.

  • Our Scientists continue to monitor and evaluate feedback provided by our consumers who have used the product.

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Our Fragrance Philosophy


Our mission is to strive for the wholehearted satisfaction and enrichment of the lives of people globally with products and brands of excellent value created from the consumer's and customer's perspective.


We Care About Animals


We use two parallel approaches to avoid animal testing: The first is to reduce the number of safety tests required by taking advantage of previously developed knowledge as the foundation of our safety evaluation.


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